LimeWire malware hits 500,000 users in a week

Computers, Internet

malware-2.jpgUsers of LimeWire and eDonkey listen up and listen up good.

There’s a new piece of malware in town and, although not the most harmful code in the West, it sure is getting around. In just seven days this as yet unnamed irritant has hit over half a million computers and bugged the crap out of users everywhere.

It works by disguising itself as any old piece of media that when opened will ask you to download a codec that is actually a bundle of adware hell that’ll give you the kind of pop-up fever normally associated with the browsing of a thousand porn sites.

According to Pro News typical files that it poses as are the new St.Trinian’s film or a Girls Aloud song and as far as I’m concerned you get what you deserve if you’re downloading either of those.

It seems likely that the malware was designed as a way to make ad revenue rather than attack computers but this kind of rubbish is a serious pain and could spark an idea in the heads of a more malicious minded programmer.

Be careful about what click and remember, keep ’em peeled.

Pro News

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Daniel Sung
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