It's a hi-tech student culture, says survey

Tech Digest news

Poor, undernourished, ‘only just enough money for 10 pints of lager’ students? Yeah, but they’re just the ones that were inebriated under the student bar and couldn’t take part in the survey that suggests they own a heck of a lot of hi-tech equipment.

Direct Line insurance commissioned the study of 587 students (must’ve been done in the morning or whilst Countdown was on) which showed that in 1996, students had possessions worth £1,900, compared with £2,900 now.

(Actually come to think of it I had tech stuff of around £1,900 by the time I graduated in 1996, but I had worked for a year. I was poor, man…)

Despite escalating student fees, the ensuing student debt looks like it’s being fed in part by techie ‘treats’ that they feel entitled to – they see study as a job (uh-huh).

Two-thirds of those surveyed had laptop PCs, around half had MP3 and DVD players, whilst 12% had widescreen TVs and 6% had PDAs.

Ahh, student life eh?


Andy Merrett
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