Battle of the social networking redesigns – new look MySpace landing next week

Web 2.0


Facebook’s planned facelift has left poor old MySpace feeling a little bit glum, so it is treating itself to a spot of internet botox and collagen injections in order to widen its reach and win back traffic.

MySpace’s homepage, navigation tools, editing tools, search functions and video player will all be receiving the overhaul and a new advertiser has come on board to take over the US homepage as the new look launches.

The editing tools have received the most important updates – these are being streamlined so that users can get by with less of an understanding of HTML. A new sidebar (seen on the right of the pic) lets you make changes on the fly and make adjustments using a colour-palette.

The video player is been improved to support high definition video and a better full screen mode. The search functions are being enhanced so that users can search for videos individually which should help MySpace’s video service at least try and catch up a little with YouTube’s dominating service.

The rest of the search features include individual tabs for personal profiles, music profiles, or the site as a whole. It is powered by the Lucene open-source search engine project.

A MySpace spokesperson said “This is more than a facelift; we’re changing the way people interact with the site and with brands.” The update launches next Thursday

MySpace (via CNET)

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