Portable round DVD player and Simon separated at birth?

Personal video players

round_black_dvd_player.jpgThis black portable round DVD player is reminiscent of that childhood classic electronic memory game, Simon, but in fact it has a 3.5-inch TFT screen, DVD and MP3 playback, SD card reader, and video and audio outputs for connecting up to other equipment.

I’m not sure if the manufacturers made the unit round so that it seemed bigger, when really they should’ve invested a bit more money and made a rectangular one with a bigger screen. Who knows?

It seems “Simon” and this DVD player can never exist in the same country, though, because — despite the product page claiming it costs only £55.65, it also (disappointingly) states “Attention to UK Customers: This DVD Player cannot be used in UK.”

Oh well.

(Via Red Ferret)

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Andy Merrett
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