Fossil hits the SPOT first


Ok, so it’s not a technology we expect to see in the UK, but the first watches that use microsoft’s SPOT (Smart Personal Objects Technology) appear to be heading for the US stores. These timepieces can be customised to receive basic information such as the weather, news or traffic info from microsoft’s websites. The info is transmitted to the watches via FM using spare radio station capacity. The watch also does clever things like automatically changing the time when you cross a time zone, allowing the user to change the watch’s face and accessing personal data like contact details.

The first watches were unveiled by Bill Gates at the CES show, Las Vegas in January with several makers including Citizen and SUUNTO promising designs before the end of the year.

But it looks like Fossil has won the race to get a SPOT timepiece to market first. According to its website the Fossil WristNet, should be on sale shortly retailing for around $200.

Nice idea, but can’t see it ever catching on here though.

More details here

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