First Bluetooth headphones
We were over at Photokina last week and we found some great little products to report back on. We’ve been holding out for pics, though, and now we’ve managed to get hold some. NHJ, a Japanese company that supplies a lot of products to the UK gadgets shops has managed to come up with what looks set to be the first set of Bluetooth headphones to reach these shores. The VHD-5500 is a 5GB hard disk player that will be on sale here in January. Retailing at around £250, the player transmits music to the dedicated headset via Bluetooth. We had a quick go and there were no problems with the music cutting out even when we took a little stroll away from the player. We weren’t too sure about the actual sound quality, but that may have been more due to the fact that we were at a noisy exhibition, so we’re witholding judgement until we get a proper go. One thing we will say is that they’re not the most attractive headphones in the world. The player itself is slightly larger than the iPod mini, plays MP3 and WMA files and will directly encode MP3 from a CD player/hi-fi.