iPod Amp and Speakers

MP3 players

Looks like it’s going to be a minimalist white Christmas for rich Apple fans over in Germany this year. Goldster Audio has just come up with this Concertino amp and speaker set for the discerning iPod owner. It’s priced at a mere €3,200, which we’re assuming means it’s the mother of all iPod speaker sets. Apparently, the tube amplifier "compensate[s] for the sound distortions of today’s music productions and data reduction" and so it should after you’ve forked out that much.

Those Germans are going to be *even more* excited when the hear about their beloved Hoffmeister’s exclusive iPod. Yes, music lovers everywhere can now get their hands on an iPod signed by David Hasselhoff. The 20GB unit comes pre-loaded with the hirsute crooner’s Christmas album.

Read [Via Gizmodo]

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