Philips 5 phone line up

Mobile phones

Philips has struggled to find a handset that grips the nation with, but the company keeps ploughing on anyway, coming up with some innovative ideas and designs. We’re not convinced any of the 5 new handsets out are going to take the world by storm, but they look decent enough and will no doubt appeal to pay as you go customers looking for a cheap but stylish handset. First up, the Philips 162 is a candybar handset that’s certainly aimed at entry level users. There’s no exciting features to speak of, but it does come in four different colours. The 568 is "a potent combination of phone, (video) camera, entertainment console and personal organiser".

The Philips 760 is a clamshell number that offers the most powerful specs of the group, including a 1.3-megapixel camera. The Philips 655 clamshell’s main selling point was the built in mirror for self-portraits. Although this is hardly a novel feature, nobody can deny that the 655 does have a far larger mirror than most. The Philips Xenium 9@98 is another basic candybar similar to the other Xenium phones. It’s major selling point is the extra-long battery life – 7 hours’ talk time and 4 weeks on standby apparently.

Read [via Gizmodo]

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