Web and mobiles on a plane


Also in The Guardian there’s an update on the future of web surfing and voice calling on passenger airlines. Apparently the recent launch of the Inmarsat I-4 satellite could lead to a large growth in airlines offering wireless online web access (at the moment it is really only Lufthansa who use Boeing’s very cool Connexion system) as around half the aircraft currently in service already have an Inmarsat antenna on board.

It also appears the airlines have cracked mobile phone use on a plane too with system that allow you to use your phone penciled in for a 2006 launch.


Just thinking out loud but won’t it be great when you can stream movies
to your laptop on a plane. Just think you won’t have to endure any more
badly edited, dumbed down Hollywood blockbusters on the plane’s screen,
you’ll be able to watch your own trash on a PC.

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