8 and 20 Gig iriver U10s on their way

MP3 players

Another personal audio player that seems to be on the receiving end of plenty of praise at the moment is the iriver U10. iriver is obviously pretty keen on the design as it intends to roll out a whole range of U10s including both flash memory based and hard disk based models. Available shortly are the one (£179.99) and two (£199.99) gigabyte and 512MB (£159.99) versions. They will be followed by an eight gigabyte hard disk version, which is only marginally larger than the existing models, later in the year.

At CES the company will then take the wraps of 20 possibly a 40 Gigabyte device, which will obviously be slightly larger. The reason the device is attracting so much attention is that it not only plays JPEGs and MPEG4 files as well as audio ones, but also includes a touch screen 2.2inch colour display which user gently tap to choose tracks/change the volume etc. Other features include an FM tuner, a built in mîcrophone and an alarm.

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