Today's top tech stories from the US
Serving up a platter of crispy golden news
nuggets from our blogging buddies in the US of A.
7-inch screen PMP’n… Wistar PMP-710 (DAPReview):
Possibly pushing the boundaries of ‘portable’ with one of the largest screens
ever seen on a PMP.
BenQ S80 – It’s So Light! (Gizmodo): Less
is more on mobiles these days.
New VTech IP-8100-2 VOIP Phone System with
Vonage (I4U): Repent, land lines, for the end is nigh.
for Delicate Wines (Gizmodo): Music only for the most alchoholic of
BenQ E510, E520 with Pentax SMC optics
(Engadget): Is there anything BenQ isn’t making these days?