Airider; the first ever review


It is not often that there is a fight in Shiny Media towers about who gets to do the vacuuming, but today there was an almighty spat about who was going to have the first outing with the Airider, the very exciting  new floaty, hovercraft style cleaner from bonnie Scotland.

Invevitably the girls won and you can read the first ever review of the Airder here on Shiny Shiny. Btw the Airider is out now in the UK priced at around £230 from here. It goes on sale in the US in October for around $400.

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One thought on “Airider; the first ever review

  • I have owned this vacuum for six months, within three months the latch that holds the dustbin closed broke, shortly thereafter the belt drive on the carpet head gave out. I have contacted the manufacture on 12/6/06, 12/29/06, 1/28/07, and again on 2/23/07. I have even called Glasgow Scotland asking for help!Each time the company has been courteous promising replacement however nothing has been forthcoming.
    If you check their website I am the guy from LA that gave them a glowing review (note: they removed the last paragraph from my letter which suggested they make the machine sturdier).Machine is great; customer service is the worst I have ever seen! Personally they have lost me as a customer, I would not buy this vacuum again, ever!

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