New Zealand goes VoIP. No, really.


In perhaps its strongest endorsement to date, it looks like New Zealand is embracing VoIP in a pretty big way. New Zealand Telecom has announced a seven year project, investing about 200 million US dollars, to switch every telephone line to an IP platform. Not only will this help with phone calls, but would also  pave the way for fantastic video streaming and hyper-fast internet. The first few customers are expected to switch over in 2007, with everybody over by 2012. This will of course mean cheaper phone calls for resident New Zealanders. As well as stonking profit for New Zealand telecom, I’d bet.

Chris Cornwell
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  • right on the buzzer marty,, nz is a small country, with little competition, & telecom has been exploiting this for years,, this is just another chance for telecom to make nzer’s pay more for a service that they theoretically should be paying less for,, telecom are not there to make friends,,& their millions of dollars a year profit is proof of this, have fun exploiting nz once again telecon

  • Or more like an opportunity for Telecom NZ to extend is over charging to the VOIP arena. Dont trust them

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