BBC's video on demand over web service


The BBC is claiming it has had a really good response to its calks for volunteers to road test its new iMP (integrated Media Player) a piece of software that enables viewers to watch TV programmes via the web up to seven days after its initial broadcast. Apparently some 30,000 people to date have registered and 5,000 have been chosen to participate in trailing the player. The lucky triallists will get an email confirming their participation shortly.

The Beeb says that the purpose of the trial is ‘to gauge the public interest in iMP as well as to evaluate the public value of such a service, and any potential market impact.’ Of course we all know that this is compete bull. If the BBC doesn’t offer a video on demand service over the web for its programming within the next few years it will have lost out heavily to satellite broadcaster Sky and cable companies NTL and Telewest.

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