Asus reveals a cleaner, greener laptop


Computing technology is seldom known for
its eco friendly nature; frankly I would probably rather not know what kind of
freakish chemical mixture gives way to mobile phones, games consoles TVs and so
on. However, Asus has realised that there a fair few environmentally conscious
computer users out there and has unveiled the U5, a lead and halogen-free
notebook PC. All this greenness doesn’t seem to come at a cost to the machine’s
power either; it comes with the fastest Pentium M processor available and some
decent connectivity. It is also very slim design weighing in at just 1.4kg with
a 12″ widescreen. Although it is due out later in the month the price is still
yet to be announced.

For more of the latest ethically minded
technologies check out our sister blog Hippy Shopper.

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