Travel in style with your gadgets


A survey recently claimed we go out of the door with around £1,000 of gadgets about our person. I don’t know about you, but if it’s a holiday or business trip, I have a lot more than that rattling around! If you like to travel with some sound and vision, it might be worth checking out the new Gravis AV (audio video) collection.

The luggage specialists have produced a selection of stylish and robust bags and cases designed to hold and protect both your travel essentials and digital gadgets and gizmos in a variety of clever, easy-to-access compartments. The range includes everything from short trip bags for your passport, plane tickets and player through to larger laptop bags and camcorder cases.

If you want to protect your peripherals and look cool at the same time, you can find your nearest Gravis supplier by visiting

Cool camera cases
Memory card cases

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