Find your nearest Wi-Fi hotspot easily


If you want to get some work done on the road, it might help if you could locate your nearest wireless hotspot. Now you can with the ZyXEL AG225H, a small wireless hotspot detector and USB adapter which allows you to detect Wi-Fi hotspots without even turning on your computer.

The AG-225H is a small USB device with a host of features to get users wirelessly connected.  Even before powering up, you can scan locally to detect potential public access hotspots or open wireless networks to connect to. The high definition LCD screen gives users the SSID, channel, Wi-Fi standard (802.11 a (5GHz), b or g (2.4GHz)), security settings and signal strength of all the visible wireless networks in the local area.

The AG-225H also features a built-in soft AP that can turn a user’s laptop into an access point to instantly share wireless access with others – ideal for conference rooms, meeting rooms and hotels where there is one wired network connection but multiple users requiring  access. You can even plug it into your Sony PSP to play against other people and shop online.

The ZyXEL AG225H retails for around £51 plus vat. You can find out more at

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Dave Walker
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