Grand Theft Auto leads to breakdown of Western society, say researchers


A new study published in The Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine says playing Grand Theft Auto makes young men more likely to smoke marijuana, behave uncooperatively n group situations and have sex without contraception. The study of 100 men aged 18 to 21 randomly assigned men to play either Grand Theft Auto or The Simpsons: Hit And Run, a Grand Theft Auto clone but set in the more family-friendly cartoon environs of Springfield. Compared to those men who played the Simpsons game, the players of Grand Theft Auto III "exhibited greater increases in diastolic blood pressure, greater negative affect, more permissive attitudes toward using alcohol and marijuana, and more uncooperative behaviour."

Via Games Digest

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One thought on “Grand Theft Auto leads to breakdown of Western society, say researchers

  • Unbelievable.. Researchers need to get a life.. How about finding out why it costs more for a gallon of milk than it does for a gallon of gasoline.. Just another example of our hard earned tax dollars going to waste.

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