'Sticky' Mouse Makes Moving Files Easier

Propellerhead Top Tip

Your mouse isn’t just for pointing, clicking and dragging things. For example, this Popellerhead Top Tip turns it onto a sort of mobile desktop clipboard? Click on a file in Windows Explorer and it literally sticks to the mouse pointer, and it will stay there for as long as want. This obscure little feature is built into XP and other versions of Windows, you’ll find it in Control Panel, double-click the Mouse icon and select the Activities button (one some machines it may be on the Buttons tab) and check the ‘Click Lock’ button. To use it simply click and hold on a file for a few seconds, then release the mouse button and the file selected will attach itself to the pointer. To release the file in its new location just click again. You can vary the time needed to engage Click Lock from the Settings button. Be warned, useful though it is, it can change the behaviour of the mouse in some applications so it may take some getting used to. For more great tweaks check out the Top Tips Archive on the PCTopTips website.

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