After a few beers, just what you need: talking urinals


Those lucky New Yorkers get all the cool personal gadgets first, like the socially-responsible "Wizmark Urinal Communicator" from Dr Richard Deutsch, which is a ‘waterproof, disposable drain cover embedded with electronics that senses a visitor and then relays an audio message’.


It knows when you’re approaching, in pauses for you to assume the appropriate position, and then delivers an announcement. It also has a 9cm display area featuring multiple images or text that appear to change as the person approaches.

So the message promotes responsible drinking, and the shifting images
make you think you’re more drunk than you really are. Wha…?

It’s even a deodoriser. Yep, I should hope so.

No plans to get them installed in the great British boozer – but if
they ever were (God help us) what do you think they should say?

(Via Register)

Andy Merrett
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