Boots elearning tills: no more excuses for shoddy sales assistants

Tech Digest news

has invested in new touchscreen point-of-sale tills that can be used to train staff in the art of selling and handling products.

Now there should be no excuse for poor quality sales techniques and under-trained staff.

Boots are working out how to deliver the training before trials begin this Autumn. Elearning could then be rolled out to its 60,000 staff in 1,400 stores nationwide.

The tills can stream live video and be connected together to allow group training. It’s supposed to complement for traditional face-to-face learning.

"Tills are ideal for 10- to 15-minute training modules, but they must be capable of switching back to payment processing when a customer arrives." said IT director Rob Fraser.

Just as well. How will we pay for our deodorant and razor blades if staff decide to launch an impromptu one-hour customer service training module just as we approach their till?

Andy Merrett
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