Drivers using sat nav are safer than those who don't, RAC claim

Satellite Navigation systems

navman-satnav.jpgRAC Insurance believe that drivers using satellite navigation systems are less likely to crash than those drivers not using them, and is even offering a premium discount for those who use the direction-finding kit.

An RAC spokesman said “Owners basically have someone telling them what to do while they concentrate on the road. It means you don’t have to constantly look at road names, warning signs and so on – it makes you a lower risk.”

That’s ridiculous.

Whilst I think sat-navs are brilliant, the stories of people crashing into ditches, getting stuck on railway lines, or doing other stupid things, proves that (as daft as the human may be) the sat-nav system is not perfect.

The Government believe that sat-nav systems can be a distraction, and it seems irresponsible to me that the RAC is essentially advocating that drivers with sat-nav can ignore warning signs.

Maybe it’s a bit of a gimmick for the RAC to say “we’re the only insurer who’ll give you a discount”, but I’d hoped that the RAC were more sensible.

Now I’m sure the RAC will say that they don’t advocate drivers putting their entire trust into a computer, but that quote above certainly implies that the they’re happy for people to be putting a lot of trust in the system.

First and foremost, a sat-nav’s purpose is to help get you to your destination, not make you a safer driver. Someone who plans out their route in advance on a paper map shouldn’t be any less safe. In fact, it is recommended that even those with sat-nav plan their route in advance.

What do you reckon? Does a sat-nav unit make you a better, safer driver?

(Via Auto Express)

Andy Merrett
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