Kenwood Media Keg – the world's smallest hard drive-based MP3 player
I haven’t seen a claim to the “world’s smallest” MP3 player for a good few weeks. However, the Kenwood Media Keg does qualify the claim – it’s said to be the smallest hard drive-based MP3 player.
The player is solid enough in terms of specifications, underpinned by a hefty 10GB hard drive and a battery life claimed to be between 20 and 24 hours. it weighs just 2.8 ounces and is sized at just 44mm x 6 mm x 17mm, but still manages to squeeze in a 1.5-inch OLED screen.
Your 10GB can store around 5,000 songs in formats including MP3, WAV and WMA and there’s the option to switch language on the user interface between Japanese, English, French, Italian, German, Dutch and Spanish.
Yes, it is small, but whether that justifies the $399 (£200) price tag is debatable.
Find out more at the Dynamism website