Microsoft collaborates with, uh, Microsoft, to release Halo Zune MP3-player

MP3 players

Microsoft likes to keep things in the family (not suggesting anything there folks) hence the release of this Halo-themed Zune. The big ‘Soft actually owns the video-game franchise Halo, and with one of the best PR firms working for them, someone’s had the bright idea to join two of their departments together to give us this MP3-player just in time for the zomg-can’t-quite-wait-any-more-harder release of Halo 3. Slackers. What I’m waiting for is the Vista Zune. Or Windows Mobile Zune. Hey…!

Featuring 30-GB full of Halo-esque music, video and artwork, it’ll be US$250 once it drops on the 15th of June. Don’t fancy a Halo Zune? How about a Yoshi iPod, or Shenmue Zen? Look under the jump for some concept ideas I’ve just whipped up today…

Zenmue, anyone? iYoshi? No?

Katherine Hannaford
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