Tech Hotlinks for 30-May-07: Apple iPhone, Broadband, CD-Wow, CounterStrike, Google
– A loose-lipped exec has blabbed that there will indeed be Google apps available on the Apple iPhone, ending millennia of mass hype and hysteria.
– Broadband is more popular in Scotland than anywhere else in Britain, with more than 50% of residents using high-speed connections to access .jpegs of sheep and perfectly formed black pudding.
– Ending a five-year legal battle, CD-Wow have been ordered to pay the UK record industry £41 million for importing cheap CDs and DVDs from Asia. No more cheap Bangles CDs 🙁
– Proof that hours spent alone with your PC and a copy of CounterStrike pays off, as a young gamer is lauded a hero after attempting to stop an armed robbery from taking place. Good thing he’s not a WoW player with a battle-axe…
– Yesterday at the O’Reilly Where 2.0 Conference, Google whipped out two new features for Google Maps, including Mapplets, allowing users to embed Maps mashups in any website.