P2P traffic trends shift – stealing films is the new stealing music
It seems we’re a bit bored of downloading music for free – movie piracy is now the biggest growth sector in the steal-it-off-the-internet scene.
Increased bandwidth means we’re all hammering Bittorrent for films instead of music, especially now we can get a dodgy camcordered version of the latest Hollwood blockbuster direct from China six months before it’s even supposed to be out.
“We’ve seen real, dramatic growth in BitTorrent usage,” says Eric Garland, CEO of web-monitoring outfit Big Champagne Online Media Management, pointing out that general Bittorrent use has gone up by 66 percent this last year.
Champagne’s survey also reveals there’s usually an average of just over nine million people connected to the popular music-sharing networks at any one time. That’s a lot of sales Natasha Bedingfield is missing out on.
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