Turn your kids all Sith-like with this Star Wars Darth Vader laptop
I just saw these Darth Vader laptops from Oregon the other day in person, and before I had the chance to write about them, Alex at Shiny Shiny beat me to it. We’re just too good here, *hair flick*
Aimed at kiddywinks, or your mate who resembles Nick Frost just a little too much for comfort, these ‘laptops’ are actually activity centres for children which contain ‘mind-blowing games in logic, music and other breathtaking activities’. Use the interactive light sabre and ‘choose a learning path with Darth Vader’, the website claims. That’s if you want little Johnny to be a member of the dark side of the force and wreak havoc by not eating his vegetables and putting away his toys.
Star Wars Darth Vader laptop (via Shiny Shiny)
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