Brainstorm: The ultimate widgety Music 2.0 mash-up
Mash-ups are the Hot New Thing in the Music 2.0 world, whether it’s music recommendation services pulling in YouTube videos, social networks offering digital download widgets, or PickyPirate mashing up Metacritic with BitTorrent. Hurrah!
But nobody’s taken the trend to its logical conclusion. I want to see a website where I type in a band’s name, and am immediately presented with a selection of YouTube videos, song streams and BitTorrent links, ranked by Pitchfork reviews and Amazon star ratings.
I want it to throw up a list of people on Facebook who’ve listed that band in their profiles, cross-referenced with their profiles if they’re single, with a live feed of Twitter and Jaiku comments, and integrated purchasing links for iTunes and Ticketmaster. And obviously, all this will be turned into a location-based widget for my iPhone.
Someone sort it out.
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