Londoners to use Oyster-enabled Nokia handsets to pay for journeys
Londoners are already revelling in the new-found freedom their Barclaycards can offer, with its fast-cash payments and Oyster-power, but what about us
fortunate unfortunate types who aren’t actually signed up with Barclays Bank?
Well, we’ve all got mobile phones, right? How about paying for train journeys using those? According to The Guardian, officials from TFL have confirmed they’ve partnered with Nokia and mobile network O2 to offer commuters the chance to join the 21st century and do so.
It’s understood that a new handset will be developed by Nokia with an in-built Oyster microchip, swipeable on ticket-reading machines on the tube and bus. Just like an Oyster card, the journey will be deducted by the PAYG money already on the card, or alternatively added to the user’s monthly phone bill. Unfortunately it hasn’t been confirmed whether this would work with travelcards, but I don’t see why not?
(via The Guardian)
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