T-Mobile offers 50p-per-day 'Five Day Pass' for PAYG handset customers
It’s a battle of the mobile internet this Christmas, with Vodafone lowering their prices to match T-Mobiles unlimited monthly data fee, £7.50.
Biting back, T-Mobile’s just launched a five day pass for those hesitant to commit to the monthly fee for their web’n’walk plan, and who have just PAYG handsets. For the five days, customers can expect to pay just 50p each day – that’s unlimited access, folks, on 40 pay-as-you-go handsets.
Customers are asked to call 879, text ‘web’ to 441, or visit www.t-mobile.co.uk/myt-mobile, giving you internet access within 30 minutes.
Adding to their attractive mobile deals, their latest version of web’n’walk, number 3, means you can now customise your mobile internet home page, with quick eBay, Amazon, weather and email updates.
T-Mobile’s internet mobile
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