Chinese couple suing subway operator over CCTV kiss leaked onto YouTube


cctv_camera.jpgAn amorous Chinese couple captured on film by CCTV as they hugged and kissed on a subway platform is planning to sue the operator for the subsequent leak of the footage onto YouTube and other video sharing sites.

The three-minute video allegedly contained “a mocking voice” in the background, with the couple said to be “extremely embarrassed”. It had reportedly been viewed over 15,000 times in the first two days after it was uploaded.

“Now every time I walk into a metro station I feel uncomfortable,” the unwitting male video star said.

Given the widespread voyeuristic interest in the generally mundane lives of people caught on camera, with the occasional smidgen of titillation for good measure, it’s hardly surprising that videos like this make in on to the Web. After all, they’ve been used as the content of cheap TV programmes for years.

It does make you wonder quite where your image is going to end up, though. Given that most urbanites are filmed numerous times each day, there’s a high chance that your actions (if amusing enough) could end up on YouTube for millions to giggle at.

Given how easily our personal data seems to disappear, why not CCTV footage too?

You could always start walking around wearing a balaclava, though that could present a whole new set of challenges.

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Andy Merrett
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