The Alternative debuts its "just like Minority Report" motion detection system in London's Orange shop
If you have nothing else to do and happen to live within smelling distance of the urine-soaked alleyways of central London, go check out the Orange store in Carnaby Street.
Tech/design/media agency “The Alternative” has created an interactive window display thing, that uses motion capture – and lets window shoppers browse the currently available Orange mobile phone text/minute packages by waving their arms about in the street like one of London’s particularly crack-addled tramps.
Here is a photo of some slightly confused people wondering what’s happening and what the point of it all is, and probably what’s it’s ever going to be “for”:

Bigging his development up quite a bit, Gavin Martin, The Alternative’s creative director, said “Many people find it hard to imagine but a few people have referenced the film ‘Minority Report’, with the exception that with our interface you don’t need a ‘magic glove’, or indeed a controlled environment to use this.”
For more details on how this may be the future of everything, check out the company’s YouTube demonstration coup that actually got on the proper ITV news.
(Via The Alternative)
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One thought on “The Alternative debuts its "just like Minority Report" motion detection system in London's Orange shop”
What’s with the London bashing?! Bit over the top.
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