Beatles tracks might make it into their own version of Guitar Hero


beatles_hero.jpgAccording to one news outlet Martin N. Bandier, the chairman and chief executive at Sony/ATV Music Publishing which owns the John Lennon- Paul McCartney copyrights, has expressed interest in a dedicated Beatles version of Activision’s Guitar Hero.

This follows news last month that there is going to be a dedicated Aerosmith version of the Guitar peripheral-based rhythm game released over the summer. “It’s something we have talked about and something I’d like to pursue,” said Bandier.

Although there is this still a strange reluctance for Beatles songs to be released for commercial download on the interwebs, it looks like the copyright owners are really starting to relax their iron grip on the music. The LA Times reveals that for the first time, Sony/ATV is allowing American Idol contestants to perform Beatles hits.

It seems like a strange fit to me though. Certainly the strength of the Fab Four will sell copies of the game, there’s no doubt about that and the iconic psychedelic image of the band could make for some truly awesome visuals. But Guitar Hero has always been more about rocking out to metal classics and pretending you’re a hairy beer-bellied guitar playing legend. Trying to capture the essence of The Beatles in a rhythm game could end up just seeming extremely cheesy.

(via Eurogamer)

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