The Tesla Roadster is finally here! Well not here, the US. Still..!


After passing its Vehicle Safety Standards tests with flying colours earlier this year, the electric car even the most skeptical petrol heads have been sneaking furtive glances at has finally gone into production.

The first Tesla Roadsters are being rolled out at the Lotus factory in Hethel, Norwich (the closest we’ll be getting to one on this side of the pond) at a steady rate of one a week. However, early adopters of the incredibly sexy convertible will have to make do with a single-speed transmission while the kinks are ironed out in the new gear box system, ‘Drive Train 1.5’.

Once sorted, Tesla is aiming to produce 100 units a month by the start of 2009. All the 2008 cars have been snapped up, but reservations are already being taken for next year’s production run.

Tesla Motors (via Daily Tech)

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Richard Gilzene
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