Weza: foot-powered portable energy source – enough to jump-start your car

Energy systems

freecharge-weza.pngIt does make me feel all virtuous when I can wax lyrical about eco-friendly gadgets and, as it goes, the Weza portable energy source foot pump could be the greenest of them all.

The outer mechanics of this kinetic to electrical energy device are pretty simple – pump it with your foot and make power, you know, just like the old pedal-power TV but actually effective.

The Weza has an internal, rechargeable, 12V, 7Ah lead-acid gel battery (sounds nasty) that’s capable of jump-starting just about any vehicle you could choose as well as power a whole host of smaller devices.

Your foot power supplies somewhere in the region of 25-40W, depending upon how much of a beefcake you are, but don’t worry if you get a cramp, it can also be charged from the mains or a DC source including power generated through wind and solar action.

Although its $269 price may seem fairly prohibitive, it will of course pay off in the long run but, more to the point, the Weza looks like a very real and viable solution for renewable power in the developing world. Now, you just can’t argue with that.

Weza (via Wired)

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Daniel Sung
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