Dell E(ee PC) specs and price leaked

Laptops / Notebooks


Uninspired as Dell’s laptop naming system seems to be, we’re getting mighty confused about what Dell’s upcoming Eee PC knock off is actually called. First it was rumoured to be the Mini-Inspiron, then we heard it was going for a more direct parody of the Asus’ wunder-top, the Dell E. Now, apparently, it’s back to being called the Mini-Inspiron. You keeping up?

Anyway, not only is Dell releasing the Eeenspiron fairly shortly, one website appears to have sneaky peak of the specs. It is packing a 1.6GHz Intel Atom, 1GB of RAM, an 8GB SSD and an Intel Express graphics chipset. It also has WiFi and a card reader, and will run a currently unknown version of Linux.

The price is believed to be $299, which is quite disarmingly cheap, and we’d call bollocks if this didn’t tie in with previous rumours. Official release date is still very much up in the air, but there are whispers in the air that it might be as soon as the first half of August.

Dell (via Boing Boing)

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