gCubik: put a virtual 3D person in a box
How would you like to put your girlfriend in a box? Hmm, that doesn’t sound quite right, but Japanese researchers have developed a prototype which could allow you to do just that — at least, with a virtual representation of your girlfriend.
gCubik would allow people to hold a 3D image of a person in their hand. “Suppose you have a picture of your girlfriend smiling on your desk. She could be smiling as a 3D image in a cube,” said Shunsuke Yoshida from Japan’s National Institute of Information and Communications Technology.
The image can be viewed from three sides, thanks to it being formed from a myriad of tiny lenses on LCDs. Thankfully, the technology means you won’t have to wear those stupid 3D glasses to get the effect, either.
Currently able to show a still 3D images, future enhancements could allow for real-time moving images, and the ability to view the image from all six sides of the cube.
Pretty neat, though I can’t imagine it being much fun if it gets linked to a web cam and you get virtual earache from your significant other.
(Via Yahoo!)
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