Virtual Jimi Hendrix in Guitar Hero: World Tour


jimi-hendrix.jpgWell Rock Band 2 may have AC/DC, Dylan and Motorhead but Activision has just announced an exclusive deal on Guitar Hero 4 for none other than the guitar genius that is Jimi Hendrix.

Yes, Guitar Hero: World Tour will feature not only feature both ‘The Wind Cries Mary’ and a live version of ‘Puple Haze’ but there’ll even be a virtual Jimi himself and I have my fingers well and truly crossed that we get to play as him too.

The deal represents a real coup for Activision in the rock game wars and with a few big acts still up for grabs, we could see a dog fight for the likes of Led Zeppelin and the Beatles in the coming months. It only remains to be seen if the gamers see these signings as important as the two publishers obviously do. Who will go on to reap the royalties and who will die the tragic, early rock death?

(via Eurogamer)

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Daniel Sung
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