Christian Guitar Hero: Like Guitar Hero but with God instead of Satan as the final boss character?
I derive most of my philosophy for life from the film School of Rock. In the film, Tenacious D’s Jack Black plays a school teacher who teaches a bunch of school kids about rock & roll, and what it really means to rock out. He teaches them about real values like sticking it to the man and about questioning authority and not blindly obeying it. So it isn’t exactly surprising to learn that a few Christian types take exception to rock & roll – and have labelled it satanic. In the past they’ve even cited listening to Stairway to Heaven backwards as evidence of satanic messages (presumably because they’ve never listed to, say, Slayer, forwards).
As you might imagine though, this all makes playing Guitar Hero tricky for pious Christians who want to rock-out too, but in a way that isn’t going to send them to Hell. Lucky then, that Digital Praise has come up with a Christian clone of Guitar Hero: Guitar Praise: Solid Rock for the PC.
Containing 50 tracks of Christian rock (I haven’t heard of any of the bands), it looks as though the game will play nearly identically to Guitar Hero: four difficult levels, high-scores and multiplayer if you shell out on another guitar. One thing the game does have on Guitar Hero is that it will display the lyrics to the songs on screen during the game so you can sing along (though not into a mic á la Singstar or Rock Band by the look of it).
Surprisingly the requirements to run the game are really low: it requires merely a 1ghz processor, 650MB of HDD space, and a 32MB graphics card. If I didn’t know that it required Windows XP I would have assumed it would run on, say, a calculator or modern microwave.
The game will be out in America in mid-September and retail for $99.95, perhaps just time for tearing it up at the harvest festival and creating the first ever “We plough the fields and scatter” mosh pit.
(via CrunchGear)
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Therein lies your answer, Nick 🙂
We did a purely unscientific poll on who had heard of the most bands on the list, and I think I won.
They should put some of the more upbeat Iona tracks on there – seriously talented Celtic band. An advanced level with some of their music, preferably in a more obscure time signature like 13/8, would go down well, I think.
If you listened to any contemporary Christian music, you would recognize at least some of the bands in this game.
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