First Google Android phone to cost $199 in US
It’s a matter of drip feed when it comes to Google Android and today’s thirst staving droplet is the news that, come Tuesday when the first the
HTC Dream G-Phone comes out, it’ll cost $199 in New York and presumably the rest of the States as well.
The news comes from a piece in the Wall Street Journal who seem to be the kings of timely gadget leaks, but of course that’s only a rough indication of how much the new OS driven handset will retail for over here. The network providers are from the same T-Mobile stables both sides of the Pond but that won’t necessarily mean we’ll be benefiting from a exchange rate favouring £100 Android phone.
That is the end of today’s trickle. Expect the full deluge on Tuesday.
(via WSJ)
Related posts: Gallery: Google Android HTC Dream | Android coming on 23rd September