Google planning offshore, tax-evading, auto-powering, floating data warehouses

Internet, Science, Web 2.0, Websites, Weirdness

google-offshore-data-barges.jpgGoogle is thinking about launching a fleet of ships to house its search operations. These ships will power themselves by harnessing wave energy. The “water-based data centres” will cool themselves using the sea.

This staggering and frankly unbelievable lurch into piracy was revealed by The Times, which says Google will also benefit by avoiding paying tax on its data warehousing spaces by housing some of its facilities in international waters. Google’s patent listing for the invention reads as follows:

“Computing centres are located on a ship or ships, anchored in a water body from which energy from natural motion of the water may be captured, and turned into electricity and/or pumping power for cooling pumps to carry heat away.”

Here’s an idea for you, Google – the vacuum of space is pretty cold and there’s a lot of unclaimed ground on the Moon.

(Via The Times)

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Gary Cutlack
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