Microsoft offers memory cards and subsidised hard drives to low-end Xboxers


Owners of spec-challenged Xbox 360s hoping to get onboard the new Experience are being handed a lifeline by Microsoft. The company has graciously decided to give away free 512MB memory cards, or dirt cheap 20GB hard drives, to anyone with a pitiful Xbox having less than 128MB of storage space.

Active Xbox users can get the hard drive for £12.99, while inactive ones must pay £19.99.

What else can you say about this gesture of goodwill from the Redmond giant? No doubt it’s hoping that casual gamers are going to flood in and then buy loads of exciting Tetris and Bejewelled clones, helping it to rake in even more cash from the unsuspecting.

Apologies that I didn’t make this story as exciting as the way Gary told it on Xboxer. He used more abbreviations, too.

Related posts: Microsoft Equipt launching in UK | Windows Strata

Andy Merrett
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