Midori-san – the world's highest-profile blogging houseplant

Biotechnology, Weirdness

midori-blogging-plant.jpgA company called KAYAC has developed a “botanical interface” that allows plants to speak and emote with us humans. And, as is any sentient life form’s right, the plant has now started up a blog to air its inner angst.

Midori, as the plant is known in the Japanese blog-o-sphere, has an auto-generated blog which can be found here. It’s in Japanese, so won’t make much sense, but should you have an understanding of the squiggly language you’ll be able to read Midori’s feelings – based around changing electrical currents in its leaves and stems.

The surrounding temperature, the humidity levels and vibrations created by clumsy humans are also measured, somehow, to allow Midori to communicate with the outside world. “HUMAN GIVE WATER” we’d imagine most of those posts to say.

(Via Pink Tentacle)

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Gary Cutlack
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