Croatian arrested for creating pointless Facebook Group


croatia-facebook-group.pngI bet I can find 1,000 people that get annoyed by pointless invites to Facebook groups. However, I don’t think any of them would advocate chucking the group’s creator in prison. Exactly that has happened in Croatia, however, where a man’s been arrested after creating a group called “I bet I can find 5,000 people that hate the Prime minister”.

The man in question, Niksa Klecak, is the President of a local branch of the youth of SDP – which is the main opposition party in Croatia. They don’t like the governments financial policy, which seems to consist of telling the Croatian population to spend less money.

He was arrested, presumably following Godwin’s Law, on the pretext of keeping Nazi symbols and propaganda at home, but when the police couldn’t find any, they tried to link him to child porn instead.

Eventually he was released after a lack of evidence that he’d actually done anything illegal, but social networks and local media outlets all pointed to the Facebook group as the reason. There’s now a group on the site called “Break into my place, you Gestapo wannabes. Croatia isn’t a police state!”.

It makes me glad to live in England. Our government wouldn’t randomly arrest members of the opposing political party, just because they’re saying things they don’t like. Oh… wait…

(via Profy)

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Duncan Geere
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  • they didnt try to link him to child porn. they arrested him because nazi simbols are illegal in our country although if it wasnt about the prime minister i doubt that they would have arrested him.
    you make it look like he was arrested because he was of the opposing party and under orders of the prime minister. thats not true. even our prime minister isnt that stupid to arrest his opposition so that the whole world can see. probably the police wanted to suck up to the pm. please check your facts before you write something

    • I didn’t suggest that he was arrested purely for being an opposition MP, but I did suggest that what he was arrested for was flimsy at best, especially as he wasn’t charged for anything in the end.

      A similar case is working its way through the UK media at the moment too, though nothing to do with Nazis or child porn.

  • ‘glad to live in England’! Well all UK residents are gong to have to fight for their rights, the UK is becoming more Orwellian daily – checkout the latest proposed legislation: It allows the police to throw you in jail for 10 years for criticizing them (under the thin guise of ‘terrorism’ that wonderfully useful catchall phrase!)

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