OLED Christmas tree, OLED Christmas tree, how lovely are your branches

Christmas Products, Weirdness

Headline with bad pun – check. Novelty gadget – check. Silly video – check. Energy efficiency – check. This is tech blog gold! It’s an OLED Christmas tree, created by the lovely chaps (and they seem to be exclusively chaps) who work at the GE OLED labs.

It hurt me to watch this. Hurt me because I now know that the people who I’m counting on to build me an affordable OLED TV are spending their time making Christmas trees, rather than solving the problem of how to make their awesome displays cheap. Damn their eyes!

GE OLED (via Crunchgear)

Related posts: Technology Deathmatch: LCD vs Plasma vs OLED – TV Take Down | Samsung stretches out its OLED display technology to a whole 40 inches

Duncan Geere
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