Trend Micro has it in for Internet Explorer – advises switching to another browser IMMEDIATELY

Computers, Internet, Software, Web 2.0, Websites

trend-micro-avoid-internet-explorer.jpgTrend Micro has upgraded its alert status to DEFCON 1 regarding Internet Explorer, telling internet users to stop using it or face having to call out a man to make your computer start working again and set your home page back to something that isn’t porn.

Apparently, some 10,000 web sites are hosting the newest Internet Explorer-exploiting virus, which attempts to steal online gaming accounts by tricking the easily-trickable into signing into fake accounts hosted on Chinese servers. Malicious, evil people could soon use this to cause “serious mayhem,” according to Paul Ferguson from Trend Micro.

Microsoft is working on a fix, as Microsoft tends to spend most of its time doing, but those whose livelihoods depend on spreading fear and selling unnecessary internet security products to your dad are warning users to stay away from Internet Explorer until Microsoft’s men issue the digital Elastoplast.

(Via The RSS feeds)

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Gary Cutlack
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One thought on “Trend Micro has it in for Internet Explorer – advises switching to another browser IMMEDIATELY

  • That’s great except that Trend Micro’s small business server-side application ONLY runs in Explorer. I would gladly use Firefox or another browser for everything, but since I need to be able to log in to the security server to watch my network, I have to use IE. Interesting.

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