DIGG THIS: Micro-blogging citizen journalism toy Twitter beats granddad Digg in traffic war

Computers, Intellectual Property, Internet, Software, Web 2.0, Websites

twitter-digg-traffic-spike.pngInternet traffic tracker Hitwise has reported a readership boom kicking off for mini-blog portal Twitter, with the number of visits to the “citizen journalism” gonzo reportage site topping that of Digg for the first time.

The graph generated by Hitwise – stolen by us and shown to the left there – tells the story of Twitter’s unstoppable rise, with recent high-profile Twitter events pushing user numbers to new highs.

Even Twitter itself is happy with how it’s all going, with President Obama’s multimedia inauguration causing a further spike in Twitter use. It is unstoppable, so you might as well surrender and sign up a username now, before all possible word/number combinations are nabbed.

(Via Hitwise)

Related posts: Tweeting Obama Day | Twitter plane crash photo phenomenon

Gary Cutlack
For latest tech stories go to TechDigest.tv


  • I have see a couple of graphs by hitwise and I have always wondered who writes their articles. Some of the explanations and arguments are preposterous.

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