Hold onto your old Polaroid camera: film's coming back
Forget signing a Facebook petition to bring back the Cadbury’s Wispa, which we all knew was a massive marketing stunt anyway. Make way for some real fans… those who loved the old Polaroid cameras so much that they decided to buy the factory and equipment with the aim of producing authentic film for the iconic cameras.
Though “The Impossible Project” — a group of Netherlanders — aims to “develop a new product with new characteristics, consisting of new optimised components, produced with a streamlined modern setup” the group will also be bringing back “analog INTEGRAL FILM for vintage Polaroid cameras” next year.
Impossible b.v. has signed a ten-year lease agreement on the building, so it looks as if Polaroid fans could have film until at least 2020. It’s worth noting that it won’t be exactly the same as Polaroid film, mainly because some of the essential original components used for producing it are no longer available. However, it should still work in the cameras.
The “impossible” challenge is to find new and existing components that can be used to create completely new types of high quality integral film.
Yes, indeed. If you thought it was all about digital, forget it.
The Impossible Project (via WIRED)
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i love polariod camerass!!! they should deff. bring it back again
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