Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak to star on US version of Dancing with the Stars
Now, to us lot, The Woz is a true star. He started up Apple with Steve Jobs in the 1970s, designed and built the original Apple and Apple II computers, before officially leaving the company in 1987 – but remaining a popular commenter on Apple issues to this very day.
But is he really famous enough to become a reality star? Apparently so, with the bearded Wozniak signed up to appear on the US treatment of Dancing with the Stars, the latest in abysmal TV shows to feature famous people literally DANCING FOR OUR AMUSEMENT.
Lucky old Wozniak will get to rub the sequinned flesh of 80s pop star Belinda Carlisle, 90s rap dirty mouth Lil’ Kim and Starship Troopers star Denise Richards, with the new series starting on March 9. Expect YouTube clips of Woz stumbling about to be so popular and unintentionally hilarious they make the proper news.
(Via BBC)
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He looks like the Cowardly Lion from the Wizard of Oz! LOL
I’m sorry. I know the man’s a genius and we have him to partially thank for Apple, but man he looks like SUCH A NERD in this holding the apple picture!!! God bless him, though. 😉
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