4Chan hit YouTube with Porn Prank

Web 2.0, Websites, Weirdness

4chan-logo.jpg4Chan is at the centre of another internet crapstorm after users of the site laid siege to YouTube, posting a plethora of lewd and pornographic videos.

Already infamous for attacks on white supremacist Radio, DJ Hal Turner, and responsible for the Rickrolling phenomena, 4chan-ers posted videos tagged with the names of tweenie stars, The Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montana.

Dubbed “internet terrorists” by the ever rational and balanced Fox News, and “lunatic, juvenile, brilliant, ridiculous and alarming” by The Guardian. The 4Chan films start with innocent footage then meander into sex scenes.

“We are aware of the slew of pornographic videos that were uploaded,” said a spokesman for Google.

“We are addressing them as we would any video that violates our community guidelines.”

“In addition any account we discover that has been specifically set up to attack YouTube will be disabled.” Yeah YouTube – you tell them.

(Via Metro)

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